RMAF 2014 Show Report Index
This RMAF 2014 Show Report index will have links to the posts for each room at the show.
It will be updated frequently, like all the pages in this show report, as more info / pages become available.
I will reset the date of this post, so that it will be the first in the ‘RMAF 2014’ category here on the blog [always accessible by clicking on ‘RMAF 2014’ in the sidebar to the right there ->].
We WILL be steadily UPDATING the room pages over time as we GET more time.
Monday. Post Show. Got some sleep.
Although the number of rooms continues to slowly decline (IMO) I felt the number of show goers this year was up, and to me more important, the energy level was much more positive. People actually paying attention to the sound instead of just room hopping. More women, more younger people [i.e. proportionally less gray hair].
Hardly any video [just 2 rooms I think]. Still quite a few turntables, but few were playing them. Lots and lots of headphones on display [and their associated amps], even outside the CanJam area. Lots of new small brands – some of which actually sound pretty good.
I’ve been feeling that RMAF has been declining steadily for 3 or 4 years. More and more gloom. Fewer people. Fewer rooms. Energy level really loooow, especially compared to Newport. But this year I felt much less of a need for anti-depressants after the show
I thought there was more traffic than last year, although I did not get to the tower rooms (floors 2,8,9,10,11) on Sat or Sun. But floors 4 and 5 were busy until early afternoon Sunday. It was my impression that a lot more people used the elevators and went to see the [90% of the show] rooms that are not on the first floor and walk-up Mezzanine. Perhaps people are [rightfully so, except for Daedalus, Eclipse TD, and Zu Audio] figuring that the lower floors are for the atmospherically priced stuff.
Less press. Fewer people taking photographs with handheld cameras [versus smartphone cameras]. Fewer turntables. Fewer CD players.
CanJam as busier than ever. I think perhaps some people coming for the headphones at CanJam go and peek at the big stuff in the rest of the show.
149 rooms! I think we missed 3 (plus the PS Audio Sprout room off the main PS Audio room).
39 CanJam booths!
Now the rest of the Booths.
I appologize about the poor quality of many of the CanJam photos. Next year: better light management and a different lens so I can photograph better around the food and beverages and not have so much of the photo out-of-focus.
So sorry if I missed somebody!
Imagine you are King for a day. No. Three days. You’re a King and you are an audiophile. You command that 1000, no, wait, 2000 pieces of high fidelity gear be brought together for you to hear. The gear is to be assembled into well over 100 stereo systems. Each is to be setup in a different room. Plugged in. Warmed up. And have music playing all day long [but you forget to say ‘good’ music. Doh! :-)]. There are even to be people standing by to answer any questions you may have about the gear. Then you invite several thousand of your friends to join you as you listen to this gear all day for three days. This is a high-end audio show. -Mike & Neli
RMAF 2014 Show Report: Fisheye Intro
RMAF Show Report Photo Wrapup – 2000 RMAF 2014 pictures – 160 rooms, 39 CanJam exhibits, 11 booths
RMAF 2014 Best of Show
Re: An open letter to RMAF Vendors
Personal audio is the future? – RMAF 2014 and beyond
Blue Circle Audio, Departure Audio
Ultrasonic V8 Record Cleaner
TAS – Illustrated History of High-end Audio
Tweak Studio
Hagerman Audio Labs
Bob’s Devices
Tyler Acoustics
Morrow Audio
Bob Hodas, Acoustic Analysis
Dana Cable
Vero headphones
PSB Speakers headphones
B&O Earset
oBravo headphones
Comply Earphone Tips
Ultimate Ears
TTVJ (Todd the Vinyl Junky)
Mo-Fi headphones
Jerry Harvey Audio
Sony, Kimber Kable
ifi Micro, AMR, Avatar Acoustics
KOSS stereophones
WyWires, Exogal
Woo Audio
Cavalli Audio
PS Audio
JDS Labs
Vinnie Rossi
ALO Audio
LH Labs
Astell & Kern
Clear Tune Monitors
Chord Electronics, Noble
Moon Audio
Eclipse TD, Synergistic Research, Mola Mola, Luxman, On a Higher Note
Musical Surroundings, Clearaudio, Aesthetix, Focal
Peachtree, Zu Audio
Soulution, Focal, Transrotor, Air Tight, Graham, Critical Mass Systems, Tara Labs, Apex Audio
VAC (Valve Amplification Company)
Legacy Audio, CODA Technologies
First Floor
Naim Audio
Devialet, Focal
Constellation Audio, Raidho Acoustics, Ansuz Acoustics
Acoustic Sounds Super HiRez, Sony Electronics
Lansche Audio, Ypsilon, Finite Elemente, AAudio Imports
Emm Labs, IsoMike, WBT, Meitner Design, Kimber Kable
Polymer speakers, Thrax, EnKlein, Weiss, HiFi Imports
Classic Audio Loudspeakers, Atma-Sphere, Purist Audio, Tri-planar
ModWright Instruments, Daedalus Audio, WyWires
Atrium Floor 4
Lawrence Audio, Jeff Rowland Group, MG Cables, Kinetics Noise Control
Dared Audio, Rogers BBC High Fidelity, oBravo, Kirmuss, Kinetics Noise Control, MG Cables
Tweek Geek, Acoustic Imagery, Bybee Power, Waveform Fidelity
Esoteric, Cabasse
Sony Electronics
SVS Sound R|Evolution
Sony Electronics, Pass Labs, Kimber Kable
RBH Sound, QAT Audio Technology
Digibit, Lumion, M2Tech, Playback Designs, Apertura, Source Systems, Pro Audio
JBL, Mark Levinson, Home Audio Sound
ENIGMAcoustics, Mythology M1
TigerFox Sound System
Lutz Precision
MG Audio Design, Cullen Cables, Krolo Design
PTE, George Warren, Soundsmith, Wywires
Angel City Audio, M&G Audio, Melody Valve, Skogrand Cables, Jupiter Condenser
Seaton Sound, MiniDSP, Dirac Live
Funk Audio, Jorgo Metalworks, DSA, VPI, Robyatt Audio
STAX headphones
Your Final System, Meitner Design, Von Schweikert Audio
La Rosita, Stennheim, Fidelis
Harbeth, Acoustic Signature, Tellurium Q, Stein Music, Fidelis
Bricasti Design, Tidal Audio
Madisound Speaker Components
Linkwitz Lab, LX521, LXmini Reference Loudspeakers
Hegel, Quicksilver, KEF, Kimber Kables, Pro-ject, Fort Collins Audio
Core Audio Technology, Hawthorne Audio
Mosaic Acoustics, Theorem Science, Musical Concepts / Design, ALLNIC Audio
Atrium Floor 5
B.M.C. Audio
Audionet, Kronos Audio, Kubala-Sosna, YG Acoustics, GTT Audio & Video
Audio Note U.K.
TW-Acustic, Tron-Electric, Horning Hybrid, Zen Sati, Silent Running Audio, High Water Sound
Chapman Audio
Triangle Art, NAT Audio, GIK Acoustics, VegasImage Audio
Bergmann Audio Turntables, AudioPathways
Raven Audio, Burwell & Sons, Douglas Connections, Mytek Digital
Stenheim Loudspeakers, Nagra Electronics, Audioarts NYC
Usher Audio, Pass Labs, Siltech Cables
Abis, Jakutis Analog, Jasmine Audio, Pyon Sound, Tiglon Hybrid Sound, Mockingbird Distribution
Jumping Cactus Loudspeakers
Robert Lighton Audio
Endeavor Audio Engineering, Constellation Audio, Your Final System
Von Schweikert Audio, Constellation Audio, Master-Built Cables
PS Audio Sprout
Endeavor Audio Engineering, Constellation Audio, Your Final System
Merkel Acoustic Research and Design
Norma Audio, Grand Cru Audio, Simply Audio, tmh
exaSound Audio Design, Magnepan
MSB Technology, Voce Audio
Hsu Research
Astel and Kern
Prana Fidelity, WyWires, ModWright, Groove Note Records, Miyajima, J-Corder
GamuT, Pear Audio
Rogers High Fidelity and Snake River Audio
ESP Loudspeakers, Pear Audio Analogue, GamuT, Audio Skies
DEQX, Plinius Audio, Magnepan, JL Audio
Sanders Sound Systems
Floor 2
Jeff Rowland Design Group
Channel D Computer Audio, Pure Music, Pure Vinyl, Seta Phone Preamplifiers
PureAudio, Furutech, Opera Loudspeakers, Unison Research, Colleen Cardas Imports
JTR Speakers, JRiver Media, Digital Amplifier Company, Lynx Studio, GIK Acoustics, Torus Power
Axis Loudspeakers, Unison Research, Profundo, Blackbird Audio Gallery
Red Dragon Audio, Spatial Audio
Nola Speakers
Vapor Audio, Antipodes, Allnic Audio, Verastarr, Running Strings, GIK Acoustics
Floor 8
Electrocompaniet and Tidal
JPS Labs, Abyss Headphones, Puget Sound Studios
Hegel Music System, Magico, Nordost
Cyrus Audio, Clarus Audio Cable, Monitor Audio, Tributaries Cables
GoldenEar and ListenUp
Arcam, ListenUp
Simaudio Moon, ListenUp
Bel Canto Design, Joseph Audio
McIntosh, Sonus Faber, ListenUp
Bluesound, PSB, NAD
Opera Consonance
Swan Song Audio, Boutique, Oracle, SME, SoundSmith, McIntosh, Zu Audio, REL
Cary Audio, ADAM Audio
McIntosh and Wadia
Joseph Audio, Parasound/Halo, Kimber Kable, SME, Sound Anchors
Floor 9
Boulder amplifiers, Vienna Acoustics, Primare, IsoTek, Soundings
Nokturne Audio,Lejonklou HiFi, Harmoni Racks, Dynaudio, feedbands
AudioQuest, Dan D’Agostino, Wilson Audio, Audio Alternative
PureAudioProject, Wyred 4 Sound, Wireworld Cable, Acoustic Geometry, miniDSP
Hemingway Audio, EgglestonWorks speakers
Gradient speakers, DSPeaker, Klangwerk, DLS speakers, Simpli Fi Audio
3beez, Prana Fidelity, Jeff Rowland, MG Audio Design in the Al Stiefel Legacy room
StraightWire and Bryston
Wavelength Audio, USBDACS.com, Vaughn Loudspeakers
AudioQuest, Lyra Analog
Odyssey Audio, GIK Acoustics
Ayre Acoustics The Twenty Club
Floor 10
Wyred 4 Sound, SST-Ampzilla, Emerald Physics
Existence Loudspeakers, Triode Corporation, Twin Audio Video
Benchmark Media Systems
DeVore Fidelity
Ryan Speakers
Emerald Physics, Underwood HiFi, Wyred 4 Sound, DSPeaker
Triode Corporation, Acoustic Zen, Twin Audio Video, Black Ravioli
EnKlein, Sutherland Engineering, Thrax Audio, HiFi Imports
CommonSense Audio, Audio Nirvana, Firestone Audio
Crescendo Fine Audio, Aerial Acoustics, Ayre, Octave, Shunyata
Tub’s Audio, Border Patrol, Palmer Turntables, PureAudio, Red Wine Audio, Analog Instruments
Tortuga Audio LDRx, Volti Alura Horn speakers, Triode Wire Labs
German Physiks Loudspeakers, BDR
Marantz Reference, Denon, Boston Acoustics, D+M Group
Floor 11
Dynamic Sounds Associates, VPI, Robyatt, Kanso, Silver Circle, Wells Audio
XACT Audio, Schroder, Dobbins, Absolare, Echole. Beast Music Server
Sound Science, Antelope Audio, King sound, Music Vault, WireWorld
Mojo Audio, Belleson, Superpower, Atomic Audio Labs, Oasis Audio
Dynaudio, T+A, Octave, In-Akustik
Zesto Audio, WyWires, Merrill-Williams, TAD
Induction Dynamics
Sonist Audio, George Warren, deHavilland, Snake River
LH Labs
Salk Signature Sound and Van Alstine
Resonessence Labs
AudioKinesis, James Romeyn, Atma-Sphere, ModWright, Wyreworld, Parasound
Volti Audio, Border Patrol