[Still no Comcast… So miniature photos is what we got for supper again tonight]
The conference was not much busier today than yesterday, it seemed to me, which was different than last year.
But oday, they did not hand the conference microphone to the SpeakerCraft people, at least it sounded like they were from SpeakerCraft, but he was such an exuberant salesman – SHOUTING his enthusiasm, that the SPLs had us all curled up in fetal positions on the floor trying to stuff carpet fibers in our ears – anything to try and protect ourselves from the Onslaught. But seriously, it was LOUD but decipherable as words in some parts of the all, and total noise in others, and in some the volume was just ridiculously loud. I mean, the announcement system is perfect if someone is trying to tell everyone in the hall that there is a fire. It would work fine. Just keep sales people away from it.

Velodyne has a new subwoofer. Looks like it will produce some of dem bass type notes, all right.

A close up of the marketing specs. Of course, who cares about THD? Most poeple probably care about dynamic distortion. But is is not a horn, nor is it pulling 100 amps, so THAT is likely going to be more than 0.5%. But I bet is is something to hear.

Gallo Acoustics’ cute little speakers.

The EDGE Electronics room at T.H.E. with Montana loudspeakers.

The EDGE Electronics room at T.H.E. with Montana loudspeakers.

The HAL Audio Server user interface. Media server user interfaces were all the rage this show. Kind of like an iphone for non-liliputs. Or an iphone for the home. Or for people who have large fingers or bad eyesight. Personally, I am in all 4 of those cagtegories, so these UI’s interest me.

The new Acoustic Zen subwoofer

Phillips had a supersized remote control. Kind of cool to imagine actually using something like this. A remote control for giants. CEDIA is become like Gulliver’s Travels, I guess.

At least some people are looking for some good sound to be associated with good video…

ADAM speakers has a new line for the home. These use a improved Heil driver for the tweeter and midrange.

Another Media Server interface.

Another Media Server interface.

Sonus Fabers new Cremona M

Sonus Fabers new Cremona center channel

Over at T.H.E. Show. [need to insert speaker manufacturer name when brain comes back on line]. The gunshots had WAY too much low bass. Sounded more like close canon fire, the way it punched a person in the chest, or morter fire. Not that I have had direct experience with those events, but I had heard a gun go off before).

Media Max’s Media Server user interface.
So far the Totem booth has the honor of best of show in the main conference, (oops need to put up a photot ot two) and EDGE / Montana at T.H.E. Show (which only has 4 or 5 rooms this year, depending on how you count – though we did not wait in the line for the Maggie / Bryston demo there).