Our First Newsletter

Our first newsletter was sent out a few weeks ago.

Kharma Mini Exquisite in a Chistmas stocking
Kharma Mini Exquisite sticking out of a Chistmas stocking

For those that do not subscribe, you can view the newsletter here:

Audio Federation 2006 Winter Newsletter

We hope to broadcast these quarterly… and for them to contain general information, sneak peeks and specials. Newsletters will be posted on our site a few weeks after they are emailed.


Our First Newletter

We are working on our first newsletter, which will hopefully go out in the next week or so.

I appears to be shaping up as a kind of “where we are at, where we are going next, what our manufacturers have been up to, with a lot of micro reviews and tongue-in-cheek humor (hopefully you will be able to tell the two apart), and a kitchen sink or three.

You can subscribe at SUBSCRIBE if you have not already.

We encourage everybody to sign up, even if you are one of our daily readers, just so, you know, we will be able to reach you all in case of an *** AUDIO *** *** EMERGENCY ***

[Anybody else miss Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon?]

Not sure what kind of specials we can come up with for the newsletter – if we could, we would just have a special ‘98% off sale’ for all of you out there.

Well, hopefully, Neli and I will come up with something – but it is not really the focus of this first newsletter [the focus is trying to get the mailing list software to actually work without little ole Audio Federation taking down the World Wide Web by some freak accident that causes us to perpetuate a denial-of-service attack on the entire internet – but I, of course, exaggerate the threat… ? … 😉 ].

Thanks, everybody.