Goldmund – RMAF 2014
The Goldmund room at RMAF 2014. This is the first time I’ve seen Goldmund at a US show in a long time… 10 years kind of time frame. I think last time 2003 at the Sterophile show in San Francisco
The Goldmund room at RMAF 2014. This is the first time I’ve seen Goldmund at a US show in a long time… 10 years kind of time frame. I think last time 2003 at the Sterophile show in San Francisco
Notwithstanding your preference for very LARGE and elaborate setups, my living situation requires relatively compact speakers for near-field listening (… in varying and difficult rooms, so room EQ is also much desired). Even if the price is a bit steep, I am very attracted to the Goldmund form-factor. But how do they SOUND? Put another way, from what you heard, could one reasonably expect to get (very) much better sound for the same $$$ with separates?
As always, I am grateful for the great show photos you have made available to us all, but as I have not been able to arrange a listening session myself, so your thoughts would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi SMajor,
Yeah, I guess we do end up with a lot of large and elaborate setups. Not always but… yeah…
Hmmmmm… ‘better sound’ …. hmmmmm…. Goldmund has what we call a sophisticated sound. We like this flavor of sound, Neli especially so. High resolution, good micro-dynamics, both across the frequency spectrum. Quick and dexterous.
If you like this kind of sound then this system does a reasonably good job at it [I have no idea what the price here is, so if is $1M, do not buy it. If it is $10K, order it up NOW].
If you do not know what sound you like – get yourself to a show and do some listening. But if you just want to get SOMETHING, and you are liking what you read about Goldmund, then by all means…
If you do not know what we mean by ‘sophisticated sound’ then this sound here is kind of like a planer speaker, for example if you have heard decent solid-state on Magnepan, but more detail in the lower frequencies and not quite as much microdynamics [but more than most other box speaker systems].
If there is any complaint with the sound here it is the slight amount of sterility. But, as you may know, I say that about just about all 100% solid-state systems. The Goldmund system actually does a decent job at being musical compared to most solid-state, including lots of outrageously priced things out there.
I’m sure Goldmund also makes separates and they will sound better if they cost more and sound not as good if they cost less. That is just the way manufacturers setup their product lines. But we also see the appeal in simple clean-looking setups. Really. We do.
Hope this helps!
Take care,
That helps a great deal, actually (… given your often-scathing audio show reviews/comments, your reply here sounds almost like gushing!). What you heard, the ProLogos +, was +/- $70k; still a bit out of my price range but the ProLogos (NOT “plus”) is about 40k, and said to be very similar with less bass, is not far from my sweet spot.
I actually do like the planar/SS sound a great deal–I own STAX SR-009 headphones driven by a KGSS solid state headphone amp–and it is wonderful! But I think I want to get back into speakers…. Anyway, I thank you so very much for your quick & informative reply. I am much in your debt.
… I should say the ProLogos + speakers are about $70k, the front-end is more, but not necessarily as you can stream to the speakers straight from a computer (notwithstanding your dislike for audio PCs though, as the streaming is wireless, one might say that the computer is 100% out of the system, both in terms of jitter and galvanic isolation). Two boxes and a USB transmitter, a simple and clean-looking setup indeed!
Hi Bob here from Goldmund USA. The Pro Logos + that we presented at RMAF is $$69K list, BUT we are offering them as a “show promotion special” for $40K, $45K with the stands. We are also offering the Pro Logos (non plus) for $30K/$35K. There are a family of 8 speakers starting at $5K pair (Micro Metis).
If you only use computer audio, the speakers is all you need. For other digital and analog sources a Mimesis 11 is required ($10K).
Please email me directly if I may be of assistance at bob@rhapsodynyc.com or call at 212-229-1842