Harmonic characteristics of the larger amps
[Yep, this blog was down yesterday morning – have no idea why except that it was not us who were responsible. One of the few times these days where I can pt fingers at someone else for a change! :-)]
Here is where we are currently with the dynamic side of things…
// MICRO < - less .... more ->
Soulution – McIntosh – BAT – CAT – VTL – ARC – Pass – Boulder – Krell – FM Acoustics – Spectral – Halcro – Vitus – MBL – Ayre – Sanders – Goldmund – Edge (early NL series)
// MIDI < - less .... more ->
VTL – BAT – CAT – ARC – McIntosh -Vitus – Edge – Sanders – Goldmund – FM Acoustics – Pass – Ayre – MBL – Spectral – Halcro -Krell – Soulution – Boulder
// MACRO < - less .... more ->
Spectral – Vitus – Edge – Ayre – Pass – CAT – Halcro – Sanders – Goldmund? – FM Acoustics – MBL – McIntosh – Krell – Soulution – ARC – Boulder – BAT – VTL
Let’s look at harmonics. We might want to think about this by looking a several aspects of harmonics: about harmonic color, purity and resolution? Guess I am kind of assuming that the amps are tonally accurate, otherwise… otherwise they probably shouldn’t even be on the list? Are all these amps really tonally accurate up and down the frequency spectrum?
Harmonic Color: amount of harmonics (opposite of ‘lean sounding’):
// COLOR < - less .... more -> FIRST PASS at this list – there WILL BE CHANGES
Krell – VTL – ARC – FM Acoustics – Pass – Boulder – Vitus – CAT – BAT – Soulution – Halcro – Goldmund – Spectral Sanders – Edge – Ayre – MBL – McIntosh
Harmonic Purity: lack of contamination of fundamental harmonic with other odd and bizarre harmonics (i.e. a tuning fork compared to a steel barrel – they might both primarily resonate at the same harmonic, but… one is purer than the other). I think solid-state amps do better here than many of the tube amps – which are often all over the place w/r to harmonics.
// PURITY < - less .... more -> FIRST PASS at this list – there WILL BE CHANGES
VTL – ARC – McIntosh – BAT – CAT – Krell – Pass – Boulder – Soulution – FM Acoustics- Halcro – Vitus – Goldmund – Spectral – Sanders – Edge – Ayre – MBL
Harmonic Resolution: amount of subtleties in the harmonic – most real instruments, like a pluck on a guitar or striking of a piano, have lots of things going on besides the harmonic (and its fundamentals) at one single freq of the note.
From Wikipedia: “The untrained human ear typically does not perceive harmonics as separate notes. Instead, they are perceived as the timbre of the tone. Bells have more clearly perceptible partials than most instruments. Antique singing bowls are well known for their unique quality of producing multiple harmonic partials or multiphonics”
// HARMONIC RESOLUTION (detail) < - less .... more -> FIRST PASS at this list – there WILL BE CHANGES
OK. So what do you think?
Is there any reason, why you do not put Jeff Rowland Amps in your pool of amps???
I think a model 10 oder model 2 are very very good amps, and represent a special transistor sound…
Keep on doing one of the best pages dealing with high end audio ,
Ekki from Berlin (snow, snow, snow;-((((
Greetings Ekki,
Hadn’t thought of the Rowland amps. Now that you bring it up – I just haven’t heard it often enough (it is only on static display at CES – and at RMAF they pair it with, shall we say, unrevealing equipment – and it has been a long time since we auditioned the model… 7… I think, and chose the Levinson 20.6 instead).
You getting lots of Snow – and we are getting hardly any this Winter. The weather is getting so surprising all the time that I am beginning to get bored with it all.
Take care,
Not sure what happened to the Harmonic Resolution list… what there was of it… in the original post.
Essentially, all the amps in the list are at about 0. They have no harmonic resolution.
A week after that post and I still have no clearer idea of how to think harder about an amp or two to make them come in above zero.
Had a few requests to put small tube amps on the list
It seems to me the small tube amps, the good ones, significantly beat the larger amps in all categories (on appropriate speakers). Especially if we separate Macro Dynamics into Macro-Dynamics and SPL (volume). Then, yes, the amps on the list will all go LOUDER than any small tube amp.
Sad to say, SPL is all that is important to many people – certainly was to me in my early teens. Mostly because parents will let you have all the quality you want – but they do not want you to play your stereo and realistic volumes. But once you get out in the world – and start exploring – young adults find that there are higher quality things and lower quality things. It is then that they make a decision whether to care about quality or not in their lives. Still, even those that decide to care – they are told only about Watts and THD. Not about all the other qualities that can, and should be, be pursued if one cares about quality in their living room. We can thank the mags and reviewers for this.
We’ll do lists for small amps next – hopefully the comparison with the larger amps in the list will help unbelievers out there better understand why some of us love high-quality small tube amps to the exclusion of all others.
Dear Mike,
thanks for your reply and your explanation – you are maybe right because Rowland changed in the last years a lot of things towards the status we have now with the ICE amps, which have to my ears not a great resolution in the higher frequencies…
In the past Jeff Rowland gave me some of the most beautiful moments in music reproduction, thinking of Model 7 and 10 or 12 …..
That was, why I was confused not to find them on your list.
In the past he had a very very nice signature in his designs – smooth and without any grain, with a clear and airy top end – or to make it simple these amps sounded realistic.
It is very seldom, that a transistor construction can sound like reality – this is more a tube strength in my opinion.
By the way Audio Federation was one of the reasons why I bought end of last year a pair of Kharma 3.2 FE, you brought the speaker on my short list – it is not so easy to find a dealer here in germany , who carries Kharma….but I found one and after careful listening….
Very, very good 2 way design and such a point source feeling – I love them.
Thank you for all your Information on your side!!!!
Dear Mike,
Interesting point for me in this “chart” is mixing of tube and solid gear, which I see helpful to better compare tube and solid and not just put’em on 2 different category.
Also I wonder where would be Conrad Johnson’s place or rank, as you put both VTL and ARC, and I think Conrad is missing!
Mike: Not sure whether to put this comment here (5FEB10) or in the more current blog (22NOV10) that references this blog so I’ll do it in both places. In the above (5FEB10)string you mention Harmonic Resolution:
OK. So what do you think?
It appears you have left out the actual Harmonic Resolution List. Could you add the list, or is it merely to be inferred by the reader from the two preceding lists of Purity and Color? I’m curious to see the list, especially since it seems relevant to the 22NOV10 discussion of Definitions, namely Harmonic Purity, Color, and Vividness. And by ‘Harmonic Vividness” do you mean the same as “Harmonic Resolution” in the 5FEB10 blog entry? And if Vividness and Resolution are not synonymous, please diferentiate. The context for this clarification request is my current assessment of the Edge NR Amp, particularly as it relates to a live Beethoven Concert (Choral Fantasy, Pacific Symphony/Irvine CA/CARL ST.CLAIR – conductor/Jeffrey Biegel – pianoNov 19, 2010) and the best recording of this piece (TELARC CD-80063 Boston Sym Orch/Ozawa/Rudolf Serkin piano Oct 4, 1962). I’d like to comment on the Harmonics of the live performance vs the recording, and specifically as they relate to the reproducton of the Steinway & Sons 10’ Concert Grand used in both performances.
Not a word on Luxman or Accuphase either? IMO they’re some of the best performing amps on this planet.
Mucho disappointed
Hello, Mr. Duck, sorry to disappoint you.
It’s been ten years since this post was done, probably time for an update.