Dragnet, Watchmen, and last year's RMAF show report

When I wrote last year’s report, I had just finished reading the Watchmen graphics novel. I really liked the way the Rorschach spoke, and it was with his voice that I wrote the commentary of the report.

Rorschach from the Watchmen

In the graphic novel, he was still a wacko, but he had this kind of cool, clipped, adverb-less way of speaking that I thought would be great for describing the rooms at the show. The movie -which I finally got around to watching – didn’t really capture the voice very well.

In any case, I meant it to be kind of CAMP and a tongue-in-cheek kind of over the top detective-speak more like Joe Friday than the Rorschach character in the movie.

The feedback I got however was that it did not go over like that with a lot of people,and I apologize if it seemed rude or psycho.

Joe Friday

Maybe if I put up a little Joe Friday icon next to each comment, people will get the humor of it all….

It really was fun to write. Leaving out adverbs. Cool. Quick. To the point. Neli says still mistakes in XDS1 post. Argh. Perhaps kill self first. Then fix post.