THE Show 2012 (at CES) – Kudos Audio, Perreaux, Stein Music

Stein Music had their Harmonizers assisting the system in this room, a set of 6, I think, black boxes with little blue lights in them that affected the sound in the room.

After a demonstration with the Harmonizers on, then off, then on again, I felt that they made the system less ‘open sounding’ and adding a little dampening down to the dynamics. This is a similar effect to many power conditioners out there and many people seem to like this considering the overwhelming success of these kinds of devices. It makes the music more accessible, easier for the brain to parse, to grok, I sometimes think, perhaps because it is delivered in a more familiar package.

The speaker with a Blue Magic Diamond tweak on top

The speaker with a Blue Magic Diamond tweak on top, close-up

Stein Music tweaks on the ceiling

The Stein Music H2 Harmonizer system

The Stein Music H2 Harmonizer system

Smart Audio component of some sort [there is nothing at]

Smart Audio component of some sort