CES 2012 – End of Day 1

Exiting the Venetian at the end of the first day of the show.

Too bad the blog is in reverse order like this.

Just imagine looking through all 40 rooms or so to this point and then entering this fantasy world of light and color and partying people [although we do have to transition to the outside by traversing the casino – another world not much related to reality].

Not sure whether to port the show up to this point to the Gallery / Database now, as planned, or continue on and fish the show report here on the blog. The blog is somewhat easier for humans and search engines to find.

I also feel burnout looming… looming… and I want to make sure to get at least one full version before that happens.

As I read other reports [OK, just Stereophile’s and JV’s (boy, what a mixed up report this is this year – from Marc Michelsonish (who must be on crack and listening to things from his villa on Pluto) room reviews to somewhat distressed angst over the Magico room – haven’t read the review but did read the comments – long story…)] I feel the temptation to post some kind of summary.

Summary: nothing was fantastic but a lot was very much worth listening to and investigating – and hardly any of them were the same as those that were interesting last year.

Hmmmm, for some reason that did not satisfy the itch. 🙂

OK, the interesting [in a good way] rooms this year were YG Acoustics/Tenor, YG Acoustics/Krell, Magico/Luxman(!), Venture(!)/Venture, Ktema/Air Tight(!), Von Schweikert(!)/Audio Power Labs, Kondo/Kondo, and… to a minor degree the big Magico/mystery amps room [only because despite the extreme problems with the sound here this was the only Magico system ever, from the Magico Mini onward, that sounded RELAXED and not stifled and constipated and under-powered. Big and open Magico has until now been an oxymoron] and to a lesser extent, the big Sonus Faber/? system [usually you pay more, a lot more, and get LESS colored, but there is no rule it has to be that way, now is there?]

I do really want to post summaries at the end of the report, and not in the middle, otherwise they will just get lost.