CES 2012 – Sceana speakers, Silver Circle, Critical Mass Systems

When I first visited this room – the door was locked.

I did come back 3.5 days later – the last half-hour of the show…

I did not get to hear this system much. It was on for a few seconds and then there was some joke telling [not by me – I am terrible at it – and no, don’t remember the jokes, either. See, I doubly bad at this].

Neli heard this room. Neli [and I, small town boy that I am] grew up in such a way that our faces largely reveal what we are thinking. So maybe I should mention each system she heard and then QUICK take her photo. That way you can immediately recognize the Wow, or WTF, or Confusion, or Boredom, or Horr-IF-ic, or OMG or whatever she thought of the room without me having to translate for her and write something.

No, of course she would never let me do such a thing. But it entertains me just thinking about it 🙂

The Sceana subwoofers were down the landing in the main part of the room

Not sure oif the call these Sceana subwoofers ‘depth charges’ anymore. There is very little info on their website.

The back of the Sceana line-array speakers

The side-view of the Sceana speakers

A close-up of the base of the Sceana line-array speaker.

The Silver Circle Audio ‘Pure Power One 0.5’ power conditioner

The Conrad-Johnson ART amplifier

The Conrad-Johnson ART amplifier

Close-up of the Conrad-Johnson ART amplifier. A little too dusty to see the tube there clearly – and the glass might also be causing some refraction preventing us to see clearly as well.

The had 3 Nordost ‘Quantum’ boxes in this system [one was up on the equipment rack], with lots of Nordost Odin power cords, interconnects and speaker cables.

Nordost ‘Quantum’ boxes and Odin power cable, ic, and speaker cables

Nordost ‘Quantum’ boxes and Odin cables

The Veloce LS-1 preamplifier

The Veloce LS-1 preamplifier remote control

The Veloce LS-1 preamplifier (linestage)

The Veloce LS-1 preamplifier

The DCS Scarlatti. They had the whole Scarlatti stack but the other photos cam out fuzzy.

This is a … Sceana music server? Crossover?