CES 2012 – Merrill Williams, Enklein, Sutherland

This is the second room where we found the new-to-us Merrill Williams turntable. This rack is quite tall – high enough to make it a challenge to play an LP the way one usually plays an LP, but at least one does not have to bend over to see if the stylus is in the starting groove or not. 🙂

Nice looking rack with all that consistent-looking Sutherland gear, though.

The Merrill Williams’ Real 101 turntable with Ortofon cartridge

The Merrill Williams’ Real 101 turntable with Ortofon cartridge

The Merrill Williams’ Real 101 turntable’s design makes it easy to use a strobe to check the speed of rotation of the platter. This photo does not show the ‘strobed grooves’ because, I think, the strobe goes on and off 33.3 times per second and the camera caught it during one of the ‘off’s. If we had tried to do this several times, I think we could have gotten a good photo here.

The Merrill Williams’ Real 101 turntable with Ortofon cartridge

The Vandersteen Quattro speaker

The Vandersteen Quattro speaker