HP reference to EMM Labs in TAS

Specifically, the reference to the, I quote “Meitner’s new Special Edition SDCD and DAE components (which had newly arrived and are his ‘statement’ versions of multichannel DSD playback gear)” in this months TAS [November 2008] ….. is actually a CDSD SE transport and DAC6e SE.

It is NOT the new TSD1 and DAC2 and it is NOT some mystical, mythical pre-release super-powered unannounced digital gear either.

We got a number of questions about these quotes in TAS over the last few months.

Also glad to read in the same paragraph that a blu-ray disc in the $239.48 Sony BDP-S300 DVD player [which is the cheap knockoff of my BDP-S1, which doesn’t image as well as the little DAC in my DELL PC – but does have fuller bass], doesn’t sound as good as SACD in the SE Meitner pair. [hopefully I do not have to say all the catty things I know all of YOU are thinking… ;-)]