As a member of the CES 2008 Press…
I now get lots of emails most of which I am not going to share with you [You can thank me later.]…
One email talked about their being 2700 exhibits this year… No. Wait. that is 2700 exhibitors. OK, at an average of, say, 5 exhibitors per exhibit? Is that a good number? … we get 540 exhibits. I expect about 160 – 180 high-end audio rooms [about 60 of which are at T.H.E. Show] so high-end audio is a third of the show [ and T.H.E. Show a 3rd of the high-end audio portion]? Maybe so – looking at how much time it takes me to photograph everything.
Hmmmm… WARNING – there was a lot of Wile Eyed Guessing in that last paragraph 🙂