Photos, Photos and more Photos

As of the last post, we have taken 15299 photos in the last 10 months. A quick estimate would be that 15000 of them are of stereo equipment and high-end audio paraphernalia.

That seems like a lot of photos.

It certainly is a lot of diskspace, at an average of about 7MB per photo that is about 105 GB.

About half of these pictures are taken at shows, 5000 at the Stereophile Show HE 2006, and one can presume that there may be a lot of photos taken at CES 2007 in smokey old Las Vegas as well.

It is funny, people who venture an opinion about these things come down on two sides of the fence: either the commentary is everything, who cares about the photos, or, on the other side, that the photos are awesome and the commentary is just icing.

Well, we’re still going to do both – so no need for a feud.

But still, 15000 seems like a lot of photos.