Summer Hail Storm
Now for something completely different.
Yesterday around 6:00pm we were putting back together several systems in new configurations when we heard a large bang on the roof, 24 feet above the floor in the main listening room.
Neli said ‘Whassat? ‘ Well, that is more like the way I talk, but l am writing the story, so…
‘A bird’, I say… ‘OK, a BIG bird’.
Then I get one of those looks that women give men when they reveal exactly what they think of the male sex’s cognitive powers.
The day before we had a lot of very large birds [Eagles? Their squak sounds like the noise eagles make on TV. And we just happened to be listening to Hell Freezes Over during that time as welll…. Hmmmmmm…] circling the house during a demo for an hour or so, and when the birds landed on the roof, which they seemed to be doing a lot for some reason, there would be a thump – and this was during an audition, so everybody heard it when the music was not at that moment playing very loud.
But then there was another loud bang on the roof, then another. It sounded just like someone was throwing rocks at the house. And it was LOUD….!
Hey, we didn’t go to college for nuthin. It took only about 20 to 30 wacks on the roof to figure out that we were being hailed.
Chucks of hail on the deck post, deer taking shelter and the streaks of hail still pelting the earth.
The front stairs and garage covered in white
The backyard covered in white
You know, it was June 24th, it was in the 80s and the air conditioner had been running, so in my mind this qualifies as “Snow in the Summer” which from a kid’s point of view counts as one of the best days that there can ever be.