Audio Note CDT Three transport breaking in

It arrived right before we left for the HE 2006 Show and we left it playing while we were there, and for the weeks we have been back.

Audio Note CDT Three transport

Still changing on a day-to-day basis…

Audio Note CDT Three transport

It looks great on the piano black Harmonic Resolutions Systems’ MXR rack with the gloss black Audio Note 4.1x Balanced DAC and matte black Lamm L2 linestage and power supply.
HRS MXR equipment rack with Audio Note CDT Three transport

Soon now we are going to tear apart this very synergistic, or is it synerblisstic, system replacing the front end with the Audio Aero Prestige CD / SACD player.
HRS MXR equipment rack with Audio Note CDT Three transport


1. In order to be able to put the Brinkmann over on the HRS rack with the Lamm LP2 phono preamplifier


2. to put together a 100%, well 90% because we do not have any Audio Note cables here right now, a 90% complete Audio Note system:

Audio Note CDT Three transport
Audio Note 4.1x Balanced DAC
Audio Note M10 preamplifier
Audio Note Kegon amplifiers
Audio Note SEC Silver Signature loudspeakers

and eventually we will have to find a way to get a turntable into listenng room #3 in order to add:

Audio Note M8 Phono preamplifier
Audio Note AN-S4 step-up transformer

All this to ‘Hear What it Sounds Like’.

Ain’t life fun?