Audio Note U.K. Belt-driven CD transport
Audio Note U.K. Belt-driven CD transports are in the works and reports are of significant improvements over the previous level 6 transport [we have the level 5 CDT-five transport, which is amazing…].
Some photos have been posted and we thought they were worth sharing here – because they show the immense lengths and out-of-the-box thinking that goes on at Audio Note [maybe this is why they sound better than what we have heard anywhere else – and cost more too :-)]
The ‘wood’ is panzerholz (which is bulletproof. You know, just in case. But seriously measurements and listening tests show that panzerholz ranks among the very best regarding its acoustical damping characteristics -see Google for more audiophile scuttlebutt). Called Permali at Audio Note because the former name is apparently trademarked.
Doctor Stereo wants to know what brand of screwdriver you keep in your toolbox- seriously, you never know, but I may need to use a quality screwdriver for working on my AudioNote stuff and I suspect you have some decent tools on your workbench: any thoughts on best tools for working on my AudioNote gear ( what a cheesy word, eh?)?
John Borda
Hi Doctor John ;-),
My favorite is a Wiha T-handle that takes 1/4″ bits. All the Wiha tools are nice; we also have a collection of straight hex drivers. We use these for Audio Note gear and more generally. I also keep a supply of new 2mm hex bits for it, since a new bit helps stubborn screws rather a lot. The older chassis most often use 2mm hex screws. The newer chassis use Phillips No. 1. These are available at Amazon.