Audio Federation (Acapella, Audio Note, HRS) plays Over The Rainbow at Capital Audiofest 2019
Continuing our “Any audio show on the COVID 19 desert island is a GREAT audio show” coverage (and Capital Audiofest is our current favorite audio show, anyway) ….even if the report *is* 5 months late…
Audio Federation (Acapella Campanile 2 speakers, Audio Note DAC 5 Signature, HRS SXR equipment rack) plays Over The Rainbow at Capital Audiofest. Recorded in 24×96 in metro Washington D.C. on Nov. 3, 2019.
great sound
who is singing in the video
Wow Dave, so sorry for the late response. It’s Tori Amos. This live track is from a collection made by another audiofriend, so I do not know for sure which album it’s on … but I found this on YouTube:
so now I think it’s from Hey Jupiter.