On holiday at the Audio Note U.K. factory
[Our backgrounder, from the video…]
On the way to the Munich Hiend 2019 show we stopped in Brighton U.K. for a few days so we could enjoy some time with the Audio Note folks and check out the factory and, in general, see if, you know, there was any There There [hey, most factories are kinda, you know, boring…]. What a blast. These people are more crazy wacky mad scientists than anything else. Thank goodness they are extremely successful at it…
In this video you will see mostly Peter Qvortrup, Audio Note founder and CEO, and Neli Davis, my partner in Audio Federation. The Chinese importer, nicknamed ‘TH’, also makes an appearance.
Audio Note U.K. is a high-end home audio technology research and development company that also builds and sells products. They make everything from resistors and capacitors to turntables and cartridges to cables and speakers to amplifiers and digital-to-analog converters.
Audio Note is years, if not literally decades, ahead of everyone else when it comes to advanced audio reproduction technology and, ultimately, quality of music reproduction in the home. This is because, as we know from other industries, innovative R&D takes courage and investment not found in larger companies (too much CYA bureaucracy), nor smaller companies (can’t afford it), and the vast majority of same-size companies find it more convenient to just sit on their laurels raking in the money while putting out yet another version of last year’s products with a new-and-improved name tag on the front.
Through aggressive trickle down, products range from several hundred thousands of dollars down to a few thousand.
Love the video you guys did. He’s got some crazy hair but that’s great too. maybe a little more editing. long video but informative. I believe Clement Perry and our group met you at the Capital Audio Fest 2019. the room sounded amazing.
Hi Tim,
Editing – so many edits already, think I am going to break Adobe Premiere permanently. But seriously, at some point I just had to publish the darn thing.
Thank you so much for your kind words. It was great to see Clement and glad you all were able to make it… !
Take care,
I really enjoyed watching this video. I always thought that a vacuum tubes should not be handled with bare hands? I love watching people that are passionate with what they do and you can tell that Peter is proud of his company. Does audio federation have a youtube channel?
Hi Joe,
Thanks! I am sure the factory gives the tubes a ‘bath’ before they install them in anything, even if we *do* wear white gloves, and we do sometimes, who knows how the previous owner handled them
Yep, we have a youtube channel, linked to in the sidebar and in the upper right….
Thank you for asking!
Asombrado es la mejor definición que he encontrado al ver este vídeo, y otros tantos que hay sobre sus productos. Ahi radica el éxito de Audio Note, en su simplicidad y su estudio incansable en la busqueda de nuevas tecnologías que beneficien el resultado final de sus producciones. Yo entro a formar parte de la familia de consumidores de esta gran marca inglesa, con el modelo más pequeño de cajas acústicas: AX-TWO. Ansioso estoy de poder escucharlas con mi pequeño amplificador a válvulas Mastersound de tan solo 4 wts. Seguir así amigos.
Thanks, Cristobal.
We are similarly impressed with Audio Notes R&D efforts (and transfixed by the range and depth of the topics in the video, too)
Congratulations on your new speakers!