The MQA Controversy
The MQA controversy is bound to create some winners and losers in both manufacturing and for us audiophiles.
For example, LINN has a very strongly argued case against it:
MQA is Bad For Music
The Computer Audiophile has details about how MQA advances the state-of-the-art in some respects:
MQA (for civilians)
And over at HiFi+ they report that MQA might not even be lossless:
MQA has funding and is making a bold move, but… I have a feeling things are moving so fast, that just about the time that MQA might start making an impact on the regular listening public, something new will already be replacing it.
What wins these days seem to be those things that go viral, not needing a heavy hand like the old format wars of days-gone-by.
But, who knows… not me. This one I am sitting out and taking a wait-and-see wake-me-when-its-all-over approach