The Quest for the Ultimate Vacuum Tube
The last odd end for now…
The venerable IEEE Spectrum has an article last November on advanced work on Vacuum Tubes, but for traveling-wave-tube amplifiers that still dominate satellite communication.
Hopefully there will be some trickle down effects for vacuum tubes used here on Earth
I used to write for The Absolute Sound back in the nineties. I currently do research in energy and storage and conversion. I’m familiar with that article, and we’re doing research on utilizing modern vacuum emitter technology in high efficiency thermionic generation. If my company succeeds, I intend to launch a little spinoff project where I develop silicon sub-miniature audio frequency thermionic valves that overcome most of the limitations of the the traditional art. Purely a vanity project I assure you. There’s billions to be made in energy and thousands to be made in high end audio unless you’re Dave Wilson.