RMAF 2014 Pre-show

Yes, we are going to RMAF 2014. [official website]

Yes, this is our lame pre-show because we are still up here in Boulder, an hour away by car.

Yes, we are going to do a show report for RMAF 2014.

No, not sure what it is going to look like. Exactly.

Yes, we will try to do something ‘over the top’ and ‘different’ like we always [try to :-)] do.

No, this one will not be mostly on Instagram like our Newport high-end audio show report in May.

Yes, it has been rainy and cold all day, so wish the show was today because who wants to go out in this stuff?

Yes, the show seems even smaller this year. But, in the end, it doesn’t matter. It is the energy and sound that is important.

And besides, we got somethin’ better to do? This is kind of like what we do anyway, but now were gonna be doing it with a few thousand other people.

Sounds like fun to me!