Edge T3 preamp
Withdrawn by consignee. We had been asking $3200 obo. Upgraded older high-end line stage preamplifier from the legendary manufacturer. Recently inspected by Edge designer of these preamps, who originally sold and subsequently upgraded this one. He provided this description:
This is an oldie, but a nicely improved upon goodie.
The power supply and main circuit has been rebuilt with higher grade capacitors (including Blackgate), low noise resistors, internal wiring that is far superior to stock, a DACT attenuator, and an excellent Telefunken dual triode preamp tube from raretubes dot com.
A definite one of a kind, that is all about the music.
Have more questions about the T3? Send us an email (mike+neli@audiofederation.com), or give Neli a call: 303.546.6503.