RMAF 2013: Peachtree and Zu Audio

This is another inexpensive system, like the PranaFidelity system, but where that system had few faults, and filled a small room with wonderful music, just lacking the ultimate spit and polish of the higher end, this system had plenty of faults, but was fun, exuberant, and filled up a very, very large room with music.

I think, in the end, they pushed this system too far – it was loud in a space where few systems have ever been able to fill with music. It was even more or less effortless, except where it was not: those predictable places where the music crested in a complex manner, or there was a sudden amount of energy.

But this was wake-your-dorm-up, play-frisbee-in-the-park-to-the-dead loud – the way you want to play your system when the mood and the beat and the fever strikes just right [which may be everyday when you are younger and not quite so often as that as you get older. Well, unless you are neli :-)]. When those difficult to render energy peaks arrived, the music degraded in a predictable and not overly harsh manner – and there was never any sense that something might ‘blow up’; it was all done with a relative feeling of aplomb.

Make no mistake, this was not your traditional high-end audiophile-grade hi-fi. There were issues. But this was a system to play music on, to enjoy music on, and to rock out when the occasion demands it – and it wasn’t stupidly expensive [well, not too outrageous anyway. The speakers are the $5200 Druid Mk. V. and $4K Submission subwoofer].