Remember… register for CES 2014 by Aug 31!

That is, if you want to pay nothing for your pass to attend. If you like paying an extra $100 to $200, well then, please don’t let us rain on your parade… 🙂

Registration is a little hard to find using Google right now… [anyone else notice how Google does not work as well as it used to?], so here is the link:

register for CES 2014

I think this will be our 13th CES in a row. It was last year that I forgot my badge… but neli says that they no longer mail badges? I haven’t read that anywhere myself.

*blauuugh* *blaughhh* *blauughhh* this has been a test of your emergency broadcast system. If this had been a real emergency then the date would be Aug. 31 and not Aug. 11th 😉