Crossfit WOD – Audiophile style
[Crossfitness is all the rage in fitness land. It consists of highly varied workouts done at warp speed (as quickly as possible) and focus on exercises that are actually useful in the real world. WOD stands for Workout Of the Day].
1. Big Amp Pump: Lift 90lb. Audio Note Ongaku. Take 2 steps forward. Put it back down… carefully.
a. Advanced: carry it up and/or down 10 stairs
b. Advanced: put it down to your right and/or left (comes in handy because of all those amp-stand and cable footing issues)
2. Rack Shuffle: Lift 50 lb component off of a rack and put it gently onto the floor. Lift 50 lb component up off the floor and insert it into a rack. (aka the “cables still don’t reach blues”)
a. Advanced: Do not slide it (feet often stick to and or rub the finish off of quality equipment rack shelves) but instead stick out your rear to counter-balance the weight as you extend your arms and component into the rack.
3. Cable Contortion: connect (correctly!) the 20 ends of 10 cables and power cords to components on a rack that is too close to the wall. (aka “Squished Skull” and “Why oh Why Can’t My Arm Bend That Way Just For a Second” blues)
a. Advanced: use only the big ELROD power cords (when cold and stiff) and suitably stiff interconnects [stiffest ones we have here are Odin and they aren’t too bad] .
4. Component Packman: take 10 components off the racks, amps and speakers and pack them in their shipping cartons. Then unpack them and set them up (aka lets exhibit at a show or someone else’s listening room – essentially 1,2 and 3) .
5. Dusting Time: move all your LPs and CDs and dust the shelves they are on.
a. Advanced: re-order them [this is hard for us since we have 2+ major locations for CDs and 3+ for LPs scattered throughout the house].
Now, according to way all the crossfit sites do it, we are supposed to time ourselves and say we can do, say, 4, in, like 26 minutes or something.
We do 1, 2 and 3 all the time.
We have NEVER done 5 🙂
This workout would destroy my lower back, but still sounds like fun the first couple hundred times it is performed. Is your count in the thousands? Happy Holidays.
merry crismass
hope you and neli be fine at new year 🙂
Hi Les,
We both go to the gym several times per week to practice the ‘correct’ way to lift things – but age and stupidity are our natural enemies 🙂
It *is* fun!
When you put it that way, it makes me want to hide underneath the covers until all the moving around is done.
Merry Christmas! (and to John, too :-))
Thanks, Amir!
We also wish you a Happy, Safe New Year with many, many ours of listening pleasure.
Take care, my friend,