Loricraft: Better, Quieter, Cheaper
Tone Publications reviewed the Loricraft in their latest issue, although their actual conclusion was more like “At Least As Good, Quieter, Cheaper”
We meet the nicest people through the Loricraft. And now we’ve met Jeff Dorgay, who also seems quite nice, of Tone Magazine at RMAF – though every time he would say Hi! I would turn around to see who it was and BAMM he was already gone – like that Star Trek episode where some people are moving WAY faster than everybody else [though in actual fact it was me moving WAY slower than everybody else, which is, in fact, my goal, so I can concentrate on what I am hearing – and apparently I am quite good at this being slow stuff ;-)]
We plan on doing a lot more coverage of the Loricraft record cleaners. Different cleaning fluids and strategies, the efficacy of using forward and/or reverse, putting the Loricraft on HRS Nimbus and M3x platforms to further reduce vibration during cleaning…
… a whole BUNCH of fun things. Shootouts are a little difficult with cleaning machines, since every LP is different… but we’ll try!
This is an unsolicited, unrestrained testamonial: 4 years ago, October 10, 2006 to be exact, after a few visits to cyberspace and a conversation or two with Neli, yes and I DID meet the nicest people through the Loricraft, my expenses database tells me I had a VISA charge of some $2150 for a Loricraft, which has since cleaned most of over 2,000+ lps I’ve purchased on eBay, and a 100 or so 60’s era Living Presence, Living Stereo, DGG Tulips etc. that I rescued from a 3-day basement storm sewer backup in a muggy July of 1976 in Detroit. Then, to avoid reintroducing the clean lps to dirty sleeves, the Loricraft (I blame this all on the Loricraft for doing a pristine job of cleaning)sent me to Sleeve City for hundreds and hundreds of heavy vinyl outer jackets and everybit as many sleeves, all in an effort to overcome 30 years of settled in mold and gunk (forgettaboutit!) clean up used records that replaced and expanded my collection, clean and eliminate dust once and for all (sorry, not possible) from any and all lps that touch my platter (SME) and stylus (Koetsu Rosewood Sig Platinum No P217). That’s a buck an lp, 50 cents a side, just for cleaning! (Counting the first time I cleaned them only; many get 2 cleanings per side before going into their brand new sleeve, and if/when they pick up additional dust from open windows in this wonderful Southern Cal climate that brings in dust from construction, dust from desert winds, dust from leaf blowers, dust from freeway brakes and tires, they get another cleaning/rinse, which also serves utterly to suppress static and guarantee the quietest tic free pop free play possible. The money spent has been worth every penny!!!!!! Loricraft restores, preserves, protects, to the max and seems logically to be the only way for the record owner to absolutely maintain oversight and control of everything that touches the lp grooves. Love to hear what ya have ta say, love ta pass on a few tricks of the trade and many many thanks for steering me into this methodology and tool set for record cleaning and maintenance that can surely be optomized but can’t be beat!!!!