Audio Aero LaSource CD/SACD Player w/ linestage: Part 1
[We’ll get back to RMAF 2010 in a bit.
We only have this player here for a limited time, and we are so very curious about this, their new flagship player, that we just HAD to take it to the Audio Federation gym [listening room] and make it do a few bench presses [play some Redbook CDs], and few chin-ups [SACD CDs] , squats [run it directly into some solid-state amps], … [the workout metaphor is running out of steam here…] and see what it can do. Part 1 will have mostly photos, Part 2 will detail the sound and the shootout we had last night]
The LaSource is Audio Aero’s new CD/SACD player with a built in tube linestage. It lists for $44K. It uses the 2nd best Esoteric transport made. Front to back, top to bottom, Audio Aero has shown that it is not messing around with this player: fit and finish is impeccable. [There is also some great news for current Audio Aero Prestige owners forth-coming]
The player comes in a very large, very heavy [70-80lb] standard cardboard box. Inside is a nuclear war-proof suitcase.
The top and side bracing between the suitcase and the inside of the cardboard box.
The rope and handles are used to lift the suitcase up out of the card board box. It is a tight fit and the suitcase, with the player inside, is heavy.
The player is packed very securely and snugly in the suitcase. The two slots on each side there are very convenient to get the player up and out of the suitcase.
The player has been gotten up and out of the suitcase.
Neli is putting the things back in the suitcase because, although this is indeed more fun than a pile of Birthdays, she has to wait until Mike photographs everything before she opens all of the toys.
Oh, look Neli, the case has cool stuff in the bottom in little cutaways.
Closeup of the cool stuff in the bottom: remote control, gloves, manual, the d’rigor non-audiophile approved power cord. [Neli turned the remote control over so that you all can see it].
The back panel [we’ll have better photographs soon]
The LaSource on the top left of the HRS rack.
The LaSource as most people will see it day-to-day
Underneath the LaSource player. It comes with stock feet that look unfamiliar [instead of the Black Diamond Racing cones that the other players come with], but upon further investigation are not.
Uh. Do not use these unless you like all the voices on the music you play to sound a little like Prospector Pete on Bugs Bunny cartoons and for there to be a lot of fuzz between each note. Here we see HRS Nimbus Couplers holding up the player and the stock feet levitated. More in part 2]
The buttons on the left side of the player
The buttons on the right side of the player
From above.
From below.
From behind