Our RMAF 2010 plans – We are no longer in room 9030
Yeah, we quite unexpectedly lost our 9030 room where we have been for the 6 years of RMAF.
So, after a good deal of contemplation, we are now on floor 5, in the Atrium section of the hotel, in room 557. The 100% Audio Note room is also moving to floor 5 — rm 501, at the end of the hall..
557 is a much smaller room than the suite we had before, and we are really looking forward to filling it with very, very high-quality music at what can’t help but be a more reasonable [ ] price point.
If you look at who is on our old 9th floor, and who is on our new 5th floor home, I think we will fit in here much better. Many rooms here on the 5th, looking at who is there this year, have actually produced decent sound in the past [well, we will see, won’t we? Shows… Lots of good people selling bad equipment. *sigh*].
Room 557: Audio Federation – Audio Note – Marten – Emm Labs – Nordost – HRS – Jorma Design
Audio Note Ongaku integrated amplifier
Marten ‘Coltrane’ loudspeakers
Emm Labs XDS1 CD/SACD Player
Nordost ODIN interconnects and power cords
Jorma Design ‘PRIME’ speaker cable
Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) M3 isolation platforms, SXR 1V amplifier stands, and Nimbus/Couplers
Room 501: Audio Note – Audio Federation
Audio Note ‘Jinro’ integrated amplifier (baby copper Ongaku)
Audio Note AN/E LX Signature loudspeakers (w/ high efficiency hemp drivers (HE) and outboard crossovers)
Audio Note CD4.1x CD Player
Audio Note SOGON speaker cables, SOOTTO interconnects and SOGON power cords