The CES News Channel
Finally, high-end audio is presented side-by-side with the other news from CES.
All on the 2010 CES News Channel
Our posts and photos should be appearing on there both pre-show, show, and post-show.
Finally, high-end audio is presented side-by-side with the other news from CES.
All on the 2010 CES News Channel
Our posts and photos should be appearing on there both pre-show, show, and post-show.
The human/not human thing I really don’t understand, but thats OK.
Aheeeeem, thanks for the coverage, but the Avantgarde Duo were orange, seriously orange, I promise you very orange.
Hi Lawrence,
The human/not human thing is because most spam in done by automated software ‘robots’. I guess I could ask if people are a robot or not. The phrase itself is from Star Trek (the original one, the good one :-)).
Orange, eh? The Canon cameras tend to reduce the amount of red in things… I *try* to compensate, but…
I’ll try and revisit the photo, and the text. Wouldn’t want people to think they weren’t orange, seriously orange, now would we?
Take care,
I am just sorry I wasn’t able to see you and Neli at CES and prove to you in person that they are orange.
I believe you! I believe you! [about the COLOR anyway :-)] I did change it in the dailies. Not sure if I talked about it somewhere else?
Yes, we both missed you and inquired your whereabouts. We sent you good vibes and successfully resisted the urge to start rumors involving Hollywood, starlets, drunken binges and a lucky streak at the roulette tables.
Oh, and I spent my time in the Avantgarde room having a pleasant conversation with Jerome and they either were not playing music at all – very common at this show – or the music was very quiet – so it did not make an impression on me one way or the other during the conversation. Knowing you, you are probably happy to hear this
Take care,