Emm Labs Shootout: TSD1/DAC2 versus CDSD/DCC2 (with older transport mechanism)
[Finally getting some of these shootouts published…]
The juicy details of the shootout are now up on Spintricity: Emm Labs Shootout: TSD1/DAC2 versus CDSD/DCC2 (with older transport mechanism)
Sorry some of these shootouts are kind of out of order – we did so many shootouts during that period – but it would get boring to just focus several sequential articles on the ML3, or the ODIN, or the TSD1/DAC2.
Spincitricity seems bust. I cannot get the shootout, only the cover page.
Thanks, Cemil!
Should be better now. The text is a little small on these older issues. We’ve made it larger for the later issues – mostly for people like me who do not like to wear their glasses 🙂
Take care,