Some updates…
Some photos:
The tops are now on the new Audio Note Kegon Balanced amps. Even with the old $700 used M1 serving as preamplifier, these amps are killer. Very controlled. Very perfect. Like the Nordost ODIN interconnect, it can be hard to find any flaws [we try, it is our job to try, I guess. Haven’t found one yet, unless it is the lack of 211 sweetness. Surprisingly, I do not miss the 211. Not sure why. Maybe the M1 is sweet enough. Or that I have finally outgrown the 211. Time will tell, I guess.]
We are using empty Walker Vivid boxes to hold up the big ELROD power cords [I think it looks cool, but is this kind of like product placement in movies? I guess it is better than using boxes advertising Mastercard and Visa I know what you are thinking. That this is supposed to be a family blog. What’s next? Neon lights?
Sorry, I’m in a strange mood today ….].
Also, Nordost ODIN speaker cable is making its way through the photo.
The old high-gain Audio Note Kegon amps are in the background.
A better photo of the Sound Lab U1 system we demo’ed yesterday.
A close-up of the elegantly compact Soundlab system.