Hello from Cloudy Rainy Cold Windy Las Vegas
Yesterday was 71 degrees for a few minutes as we picked up several loads of big heavy goodies from the shipper. Ah, shirt sleeves….
Well, here we are in the rather empty (deserted!) Alexis Park. Actually, many hotels are empty here, these few days before the Deluge of CES attendees flocking in like banshees out of Circuit City.
The small Audio Note room is more or less setup and warming up…
The large room, well…. its mostly up and warming…
Setting up the rack, uncrating the platforms, tracking down a RCA to XLR adapter (guitar center) for the M1 which, until the M9 gets here, is our preamp without balanced outputs.
Here are our new AN/E SEC Signature loudspeakers in Madrone. yummy.
High Efficiency. Yummy.
The Balanced Kegons… in a different chassis from the traditional Kegons.
VERY nice looking on the inside…
Except one channel has a Baaaaaad tube. BAD tube. No worky.
With only one channel, we break in one speaker and amp for awhile, then the other… but we should have both channels going sometime. We hope. As soon as we find a GOOD tube.
Sounds pretty farking good with just one channel …. Hee Hee Hee. Killer speaker control and delicacy of decay….
… and that is with one channel, the M1 instead of the M9 which is arriving tomorrow, and with speakers that are brand new. [Yeah, we can both easily hear ‘past’ problems that we know are caused by situational difficulties like lack of break in, room anomalies, etc – so it will be interesting to hear what other people think…. ]
So now, to track down a 10Y (VT-25) tube…..