Musical Chairs AND Hot Potato

As you can sort of see, we have the Emm Labs CDSA player going into the Lamm L2 (Lamm L2 power supply is on left, L2 linestage in center), and from there into the Marten active corssover and into the Edge Signature One amps.

This is a pretty good sound. We haven’t heard it enough to really understand it yet (busy here on the phones, etc.). One thing is obvious, these speakers will love as much as you can give them: resolution, micro-dynamics, harmonics, …

We Are Unworthy! [anybody else like Wayne’s World? Anybody? Bueller?]

OK, downstairs we have the Audio Note CDT3 transport into the Audio Note DAC 4.1x Balanced DAC into the Audio Note Ongaku integrated amplifier into the Kharma Mini Exquisites.

The cables here are interesting: we have regular Valhalla RCA interconnect for the digital cable, Audio Note SOTTO interconnect and Jorma Design No. 1 speaker cable. The SOTTO only has about 12 hours on it [but our Nordost Vidar cable burner should be back soon from the factory – it was happily burning cables in when the lightning struck].

The midrange makes me want to cry. It is so involving. [Now THAT is something I am too much of a boy to say out loud, but I feel I can say it in writing. Alan Alda may have made it OKAY for men to cry – remember that anyone? Bueller? – but just about important things. Not about how beautiful music can be. That, that, if someone comes into the room, I have to kind of look away and think about the economy or something. Tears dry right up. Though the economy is getting to the point where I might start crying harder… $1.46 per Euro]