Audio Note Ongaku – At Night

Just a bunch of photos tonight…

The Ongaku is an $85K single-ended triode integrated amplifier that uses two 211 tubes to generate about 25 watts of glorious sound into just about any speaker on the planet.

Audio Note U.K. Ongaku at night with 211 tubes a glowing…

Audio Note U.K. Ongaku at night with 211 tubes a glowing…

Audio Note U.K. Ongaku at night with 211 tubes a glowing…

Audio Note U.K. Ongaku at night with 211 tubes a glowing…

Audio Note U.K. Ongaku at night with 211 tubes a glowing…

Audio Note U.K. Ongaku at night with 211 tubes a glowing…

Audio Note U.K. Ongaku at night with 211 tubes a glowing…

Audio Note U.K. Ongaku at night with 211 tubes a glowing… with AN/E SEC Signature speaker in background.