Thanksgiving Day Workout
The gym was closed so….
Moved seven 60 lb or so HRS platforms, two 120 lb Edge Signature One amps, two 90 lb Lamm ML2.1 and two 90 lb. ML1.1 amps, two 20 lb. M10 Galahad power supplies downstairs… but it seemed like a lot more.
The Showroom 2 Coltrane Supreme system
The Audio Note equipment that was upstairs is now on this system: CDT-Three transport running into a DAC 4.1x Balanced into the M10 linestage into the Kegon 300B SET amps.
The Showroom 2 Coltrane Supreme system equipment rack
The Showroom 4 Coltrane / Lamm / Brinkmann system
We are pretty familiar with this system – but not in a small room like this. Also would prefer it on an HRS MXR rack but, oh well, this is Thanksgiving, not Christmas, and we are happily trying to figure out what to play on what system as we roll from room to room after yesterday’s feast (after which Neli is still very fit and thin – but Mike? Mike thought he would never need to eat again, … at least until breakfast anyway
The Showroom 3 Soundlab / Kharma system
OK, it was getting close to (past) time to eat so we didn’t get this setup yet. After dinner tummy sizes were interfering with the ability to move…
We plan on using this system to hear the Emm Labs running direct into the Edge Signature One amps into the Kharma Mini Exquisites – we haven’t heard this before.
Old location of Showroom 1 equipment rack
Oh, and we moved a bookcase full of CDs upstairs. This was piled sky high with CDs and DVDs in front of the Coltrane Supreme loudspeakers. Now it is upstairs where the old Showroom 1 Rix Rax equipment rack used to go (although it only had the Emm Labs CDSD transport on it, connected by 10 meter long optical cables to its DCC2 DAC in the front of the room).
Where will the little Rix Rax equipment rack that was here go now? Geez, it is always somethin’….