RMAF 2006 is coming right up…
The Rocky Mountain Audio Fest – the Denver High-end Audio Show – is coming in about a month, on October 20, 21, 22 2006.
We will of course be exhibiting at this show, as we have the last two years. Same room too, end of the hall on the ninth floor in the large suite: room 9030.
What is not ‘of course’ is what we will be showing – but we are PLANNING on showing the following:
* Marten Design Coltrane Supreme loudspeakers
* Audio Note U.K. Kegon amplifiers
* Audio Note U.K. M10 preamplifier
* Emm Labs DCC2 and CDSD Signature Editions CD / SACD player
* Brinkmann Audio Balance Turntable with Titan cartridge and Lamm LP2 phonostage
* HRS MXR equipment rack and assorted M3 Isolation Bases
* Nordost Valhalla interconnect (10 meter run from preamp to amplifiers)
* Jorma speaker cable
* Sunyata power cords
The rest of the equipment rackage and cabling is still TBD. We might also bring another digital source – but we are running into rack-space problems (the M10 is a 3-box preamplifier).
Question: How many billions of hours have audiophiles spent trying to figure out how to place all their components on the seemingly always too few shelves of their equipment rack?
In attendance, besides Neli and I and Steve, local customer and invaluable assistant, will be:
* Dan Meinwald – Importer for Marten Design and Jorma Design
* Laurence Blair III – Importer for Brinkmann Audio
* Leif Olofsson – Marten Design
* Jorma Koski – Jorma Design
* Peter Qvortrup – Audio Note U.K. (next door in the Audio Note / Audio Federation room, room 9026)
* Mike Latvis – HRS (Harmonic Resolution systems)
* Steven Norber – Edge Electronics
If, for some reason the Supremes do not get here in time, we will exhibit with the Marten Design Coltrane loudspeakers.
If for some reason those are also not available, i.e. they get sold, we would probably exhibit with the SoundLab U1 loudspeakers.
If the SoundLab upgrade has not come back from the factory by then, we would then exhibit with either the Kharma Mini Exquisites or Audio Note U.K. loudspeakers (or most likely BOTH).
Which is OK, as these speakers both sound as good as the others – they just do not fill a room that size quite as easily – and, you know it is true, many people go to shows to be WOW’d, and not so much to hear great sound (we try to give them both
The above is subject to change, of course. For example, we will probably take a backup amp : either the EDGE Signature One or Lamm ML2.1 – or both if everybody but me (who has to carry these down the 45 steps… and back up again after the show) gets their way. :-O