Next stop…Montreal

If all goes as planned we should be heading up North early tomorrow.

We will upload pictures daily, again if all goes as planned – can never tell about these things – lined off of the Montreal 20006, oops, getting ahead of ourselves here, Montreal FSI Festival Son & Image 2006 show report.

This will be our first time at FSI, in Montreal and in Canada. It is supposed to be up in the 30s during the day, temperature wise, but I hope we can get out of the hotel anyway :-}. We like to check out the city, circumnavigating a mile or two around the show hotels a good bit. In NYC we got to Times Square, Central Park, and the Upper East side.

During the show I will be trying to get to every room (hopefully twice as I want to use two different lenses) taking pictures. The show only lasts three days – so …wish me luck. On the final day, Sunday, we will be listening closely.

While I am taking pictures, Neli will be chatting up, and getting chatted up by, show goers and exhbitors alike, finding out what is new and wonderful in the land of Hi-Fi Audio, Northern-style.

After we get back, we should be putting up the full report after a few days of sleepless nights.

The ‘dailies’ will be in the standard resolution format, usually 1000 pixels wide.

As for the final report’s layout and format, we have plans to automatically make a low-bandwidth version for people still on dial-up, a standard bandwidth version (like the CES 2006 show report but better organized, not day by day this time) and an ultra-high(! whoo hoo!) resolution version.