Continuing upgrades of Spintricity

In the pursuit of optimizing the experience for both you the magazine reader and us, the wacko audiophiles – uh – wacko gigantico magazine show reporters – uh – whoever – we try our best to make both reading and producing multi-thousand page show reports as easy and as fun as possible.

To that end…

We added a Quick! Post a Comment! feature right on each page [in the upper right: that allows you, and us, to quickly post a comment about whatever it is we want to say about a page. As you may have noticed, the avatar [a little picture that represents the inner you – that you can upload after you register, or you can use the default Groucho Marx lookalike.] appears on the right side of the page. Click on one of these guys and you will see their comments.

Of course, their comments are also in the Forum, where War and Peace-like comments can be read in their entirety.

For now, we changed things so that even you unregistered lurker types can post comments – without having to register first – just like in this blog. But, unlike this blog, posters won’t have to indicate that they are human [i.e. not a spam-spewing robot] because robots won’t be an issue until we are very, very successful.

I like these kind of popup comments, because, from my point of view, often times adding permanent text on a show report page kind of clutters up the view of the equipment. We intend on going back to a more traditional magazine look [but with modern weblike features] for the regular articles in regular issues in regular months.

And then maybe we can go back to not being so wacko.

Or not. 🙂