Finally, Our New Magazine: Spintricity

OK, Everybody,sorry we have been so quiet [this took for-EV-er], but we finally got something up and a few articles posted on the Lamm ML3, Life and Music, ODIN PC shootout and a music review. Much more forthcoming.

Expect things to be a little choppy and a little slow, this is all hot off the internet presses – but hopefully things will smooth out.

Some hints: the left and right arrows on the keyboard (or the mouse’s scroll wheel) allows you to go to the previous and next pages without having to use the mouse.

Please let us know if you have any feedback, comments, suggestions, problems….

Best when viewed with the newer Firefox 3 (or Internet Explorer 7) browsers.

And stay tuned, we have a lot more articles to post [and some more writers as well who now may be more motivated to send in more articles :-)]
