If I only had a maid

[or butler, we are a equal opportunity exploiter]

Sung to the tune of ‘If I only had a brain’ from the Wizard of OZ – one of my mostest favorite songs

If we only had a maid,
We’d wile away the hours,
Relaxin’ with our feet up,
As they carried the [4 speaker, 150-250lb] Supremes.

Up and down the stairs,
They’d move the equipment,
And, why not, cable it up too,
While we laid around and snoozed.

And when the FedEx arrives,
and heavy packages do appear,
We can sigh and pop in a CD,
As they 45 steps do the lugging,
And we open another beer.

If we only had a maid,
cabling would be such a cinch,
this way, that way, and back again,
and changing the equipment,
would be no a sweating,
If we only had a maid.

A dusting and a vacuuming,
Around the delicate equipment,
would be no problem for our maid,
So no sneezing and no fingerprints,
will distract us from our music,
If we only had a maid.

And the CDs and LPs,
would all be so clean,
So organized and alphabetical,
If we only had a maid.

And when a lightning comes a striking,
They assure equipment is unplugged,
And when the storm leaves just five minutes later,
The equipment they would quickly power back up,
If we only had a maid.


Needs work…

And we do have a maid. For the husband they are often called a ‘wife’. And for the wife’ they are a ‘husband’. 🙂 ?