Comments on Upgrade from Lamm M2.2 to Lamm ML2.1

This was sent to us recently by one of our favorite customers [the Lamm M2.2 is their 200 watt hybrid solid-state / tube monoblock amplifiers, the ML2.1 is their top-of-the-line 18 watt 6C33C tube-based SET monoblock amplifiers]:

Lamm M2.2 amp
“M2.2………. it is like a fairly big tall obelisk, made of metal, boxlike, powerful, straightforward, detailed, straight lined, know how to do the job and does it….. but……..

Lamm ML2.1 amp
Ml2.1 ……… Plasma blast, globular force field, expanding to the stars and defining them. Fastball of Thick juiciness. Like listening to the spacey parts of the band yes. I can see why it can be great.”

Well put, well put.