Meitner on the Rocks

or… “Emm Labs on the Edge”.

or… “DCC2 on the hearth”.

Emm Labs DCC2 on the granite fireplace hearth

The DCC2 was sitting here because we swapped out the Emm Labs CDSD and DCC2 front end for the Audio Note CDT3 and DAC 4,1x Balanced front end on the Triolons with the Audio Note M10 pre and Kegon amps… to see what it would sound like, of course – and it looked so cool with the brushed aluminum against the granite rock – just had to take some photos.

Emm Labs DCC2 on the granite fireplace hearth

Oh, so YOU want to know what it sounded like?

Emm Labs DCC2 on the granite fireplace hearth

More later…

… but it wasn’t a clear win for either. Very much a matter of taste and trade-offs – and very much expecting both systems to converge, by themsleves, over time to sound much more like each other than they did here in this quick test.