Pacific Audio Fest – Seattle July 30 – August 1, 2021 (Cancelled)
Got our (first) jabs [10M+ people and hardly anyone died here (compared with most areas, percentage-wise) with one of the most serious lockdowns anywhere (a lot of smart people here in Silicon Valley) – but we think we are one of the last on the vaccine lists because… almost no one died here].
So, finally, we’re signed up for the new audio show set up by Lou Hinkley (Daedalus Audio) and Gary Gill (Capital Audiofest).
“The Pacific Audio Fest is the first major audio show promoted by exhibitors and music lovers for music Lovers and exhibitors!”
Neli and I met Lou back in the early days of RMAF in 2004, 2005. We’d be unloading, or loading, our audio-laden overloaded vehicles together at the Denver Marriott… or listening to each other party until the wee hours as he had the exhibit room right above ours [and we had the room right below his :-)]
And Gary Gill has been running CAF for a few years and has one of the most amazingly welcoming and friendly (to audiophiles and exhibitors, both) vibes for any show at any times.
Promises to be a great show. And we’ve never been to Seattle, so that will be fun too.
[No one seems to be able to make a decision whether the word[s] Audio Fest has a space in it or not. So we won’t either :-)].