Audio Note CDT-5 transport and Fifth Element DAC downstairs

We moved the Audio Note Fifth Element, Fifth Force and CDT-Five downstairs to prepare for demos for a few out-of-town guests this week.

We have the CDT-Five next to the Walker, the Fifth Element DAC and the Fifth Force on the shelf below. The Walker is hooked up to the S9 step-up and it is all going to the M9 Phono preamplifier the two boxes there on the bottom left. Above them our CDT-Three and DAC 4 Balanced are also hooked up. Welcome to high-end audio shootout heaven.

We are still using the Jinro downstairs, soon to be the Ongako, as we move things around like mad during the demos. Our high-gain Kegon amps are on the left there on the old RixRax amp stands.

Closeup of the Audio Note Jinro integrated in black.

A few more details about the Fifth Element DAC (and its Fifth Force power supply):

* The Fifth Force is a separate power supply, which is an upgraded DAC5 Signature supply but with better stabilization, better mains transformers (double HiB c-cores) and other detail improvements

* Fifth Element Valve input buffer; the buffer is synchronized to match the output of the CDT Five, so whilst other CD transports will work, they will not be close to the performance of a CDT Five. The valve buffer consists of an EF800 Telefunken or similar, it has its own separate power supply with a 6X5 valve rectifier feeding the HT

* The I/V interface is a newly designed all silver wired transformer with a massive core (same as the AN-S9), it provides far better low level and is individually adjusted for the exact behavior of the output of the selected AD1865 converter chip