Audio Note CD2.1X/II CD Player
We got this player in a few months ago. Its only about $3500, but… for my money, this is all the player you need unless you want to go up to the $9+K range of the Audio Aero Capitole / Prestige and Emm Labs CDSA and the other Audio Note players. [Yes, I know there are others, but pay attention to what I am saying, not my memory-challenged brain… :-)]
So much music!
Here are a few photos….
In this price range you just don’t get soul-rendering detail and finesse and harmonic structure. Sorry. [So many people believe that if they just buy enough of the players in this price range, they will find THE ONE that is as good as the $10K+ crowd but sells for 1/4 the price it could bring in a market economy. And they are not just looking for stupid manufacturers who make wonderful CD players either – but wonderful stupid amp manufacturers and speaker manufactures and … :-)]
But what you do want at this price range is livability, enjoyability, musicality, harmonic insight, everything a person needs who wants to listen to music and is not obsessed with having the BEST they can afford (or not afford as the case may be 🙂 for all of us pushing the limits of fiscal responsibility),
This player. This is what I would have if I weren’t crazy.
Do you think I should just get this CD Player 2.1? or separates like the AN CDT1/DAC1.1?