Going to California V
Continuing our somewhat more lengthy than desired adventure looking for a new place for the store, which we also call our home [since, you know, we live there], in the San Francisco Bay Area.
[Not about CA, but about the fact that – unfortunately – we think we HAVE only just begun.]
Neli and a Rocky Flats yucca plant.
Now, most of you not from the Denver / Boulder CO area will not know about Rocky Flats.
Rocky Flats processed fissionable material for nuclear bombs and was located between Boulder and Denver.
They periodically ‘leaked’ ‘stuff’.
Much of the land around there is now radioactive.
They closed the plant … 10 years ago? [Oops. It was 24 years ago. Time flies :-)] … and cleaned up best they could.
But, still, whenever we see a super-sized tomatoes, or pumpkin, or anything, we think… hummmmm…. like the Sci-Fi movies of the 1950s taught us, it could only be due to One Thing. Too much ‘Radioactive Fertilizer’.
So our journey continues…
Anyone has any ideas about how this search for a new location might be, you know, successful [and not be a complete muck up :-)], Please let us know!