Going to California IV
Continuing the journey in our search for a new home for us and Audio Federation in the general Sillycon Valley area
[The Animals are so under-rated. Though the song is about S.F. we are not looking in S.F. Well. We *looked*. The prices are actually more reasonable there than in Palo Alto, much of Menlo and Mountain View, Woodside, etc.(!) but too cold. Too cloudy. Too different of a lifestyle for the laid back people that we have been].
Small, Mid-Peninsula, south-facing
Close to trails. Yes!
Rectangular rooms? Yes!
Enough rooms? Yes!
Large enough…? Well…..
We liked this place. But really small. Large two car garage helps. But…
A little windy and hilly getting here. Hills like this would never work in Colorado – in the winter, even with 4-wheel drive and snows [snow tires], there would be a pile of cars at the bottom of every one these kinds of streets.
But maybe people here who would like to visit us are comfortable with this? Without Google Maps, how did people find ANYTHING?
Anyway, this room is 14 feet 3 inches deep. So figure the speakers are 1 foot from the front wall / windows. The Acapella speakers are about 18 inches to 30 inches deep.
We would put the listening couch up against the opposite wall. Figure that puts our ears about, what? About 9 to 11 feet from the front of the speaker? Not completely horrible.
This is definitely the best room in the house. There was not another room that had corners w/o some kind of built-in shelves or other issue for the Audio Note system. And those rooms also had compromised views / privacy.
But… the rent was reasonable [ha ha. Reasonable Rent. Such an oxymoron here. But we live in the high-end audio world right? We are used to THAT particular oxymoron ].
I mean, what if we go crazy and get the Acapella Poseidon while we are living here? No, they are NOT ‘really nice headphones’, Neli.
This place is on the list of ‘probably not’. But it is on the top of the list. [this was written several days ago. The place is still near the top of the list. It backs to open space and just has a nice feel, for all of its practical faults].
Mike, this will never work. The right channel Poseydon is toed *out*.