ACAPELLA AUDIO ARTS, Audio Federation: CES 2015
The ACAPELLA AUDIO ARTS, Audio Federation room at CES 2015. 21 photos.
This was our room.
Acapella Cellini speakers and LaMusika integrated amplifier, speaker cables and power cord.
Audio Note U.K. CDT-Five transport and DAC 5 Signature DAC and ‘brown’ PALLAS interconnect [acting as a digital interconnect].
NVS SOUND Silver Inspire power cord. Nordost Odin power cord.
Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) SXR rack, M3X Isolation Bases, and Nimbus Couplers.
I was really, really happy with the sound… about 5 minutes after close on the last day [I know. It is such a cliche. We hung out and played the system for a few hours after closing]. Neli and Hermann significantly improved the sound day to day, moving the speakers around a bit, changing cables a bit [the above list is the final configuration]. The Cellini speakers had about 10 hours on them. The DAC 5 Sig was brand spanking new. Yadayadayada [ same ole same ole 🙂 ]
Thanks to Jim for loaning us all his amp [the original LaMusika amp slated for this room was delayed in shipping for a day]. Thanks to Robert Lee [Acoustic Zen] and Santy [Twin Audio Video /Â Triode Corp] for lugging it to the show. Thanks to Peter Qvortrup [Audio Note] for loaning us the CDT-5 and DAC 5 Signature. Thanks to Nathan Vander Stoep [NVS Sound] for loaning us the power cable.
And thanks to everyone who stopped by!
Neli Davis (Audio Federation) and Hermann Winters (Acapella)
Neli, Hermann, Fred and Jim.
The Audio Note ‘brown’ PALLAS interconnect
See you all at Newport! [and hopefully at Munich before that…]