Audio Note U.K. Belt-driven CD transport

Audio Note U.K. Belt-driven CD transports are in the works and reports are of significant improvements over the previous level 6 transport [we have the level 5 CDT-five transport, which is amazing…].

Some photos have been posted and we thought they were worth sharing here – because they show the immense lengths and out-of-the-box thinking that goes on at Audio Note [maybe this is why they sound better than what we have heard anywhere else – and cost more too :-)]

The ‘wood’ is panzerholz (which is bulletproof. You know, just in case. But seriously measurements and listening tests show that panzerholz ranks among the very best regarding its acoustical damping characteristics -see Google for more audiophile scuttlebutt). Called Permali at Audio Note because the former name is apparently trademarked.


Audio Note S9 Phono Step-up Transformer: the photos

Audio Note S9 Phono Step-up Transformer with integral (brown) PALLAS interconnect.

Thanksgiving is traditionally a day for over-eating… and now… over-photographing [if that is possible :-)].

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

The S9 is Audio Note U.K.’s top-of-the-line step up – [it helps increase the output of those uber high-end phono cartridges enough to feed a standard full-function preamp or dedicated phono-stage].

Fred Crowder has reviewed this phono step up in comparison with more pedestrian brands on Dagogo at: Audio Note S9 Phono Step-up Transformer Review .

For my part, once I heard the S9, I would never willingly go back to anything else – not to say that the AN S4 on a small system isn’t entirely wonderful and, of course, much more appropriate – and we hear it regularly in this context.

Thinking about it now – my appetite for audiophile description of sonic differences is currently near-zero – now that I require my music to have powerful quasi-medicinal capabilities to relax and assuage a worried and angry mind.



CES 2021 complimentary registration Dec. 1- 11

The 100% digital (online) conference lives on. Although Neli tells me Ray Kimber (KimberKable) is setting up an exhibition this year – CES is certainly dead with respect to high-end audio in my opinion and what I want to get out of an audio show.

Munich – a real show for audiophiles – is scheduled for September next year as a show you-can-actually-attend – but Neli tells me there is talk that this may have to be put off again and delayed until 2022.

The Keynote speakers, below, for CES 2021 are sure – boring? I think that is too nice of a word… How about shockingly uninteresting?

I might sign up for grins – just to see what Ray’s booth looks like from my office… 🙂