Audio Note M10 Signature Preamplifier Review

Audio Note M10 Signature Preamplifier Review by Fred Crowder has just been posted over on Dagogo.


Meticulous clean design with many custom parts.

Detailed view of the circuit board. No wavesoldered traces here, no sir 🙂



Fred Crowder’s system. Somebody is envious [that would be me :-)].

Neli has heard this system recently, with the new M10 Signature, and she might have more to say. [hint hint :-)]


Audio Federation at the LA Audio Show 2017

We will be at the LA Audio Show 2017 this year previously called T.H.E. Show Newport which was in Irvine. 😉

Setup is June 1 and the show opens June 2 and ends on June 4th at 4:00pm.


Acapella Audio Arts’ La Musika integrated amplifier

This is a new hotel for this show. Which I guess makes sense since this is kind of a new show, though it takes place in the same Greater L.A. area on the same dates as the old one. We all loved the old hotel – great service, decently solid walls and high-ceilings [which made the technique of bouncing the camera’s flash off the ceiling not work quite as well as it does in most hotel rooms]. And the energy of this hotel, being near the LA Airport vs. the previous being near Newport and the beach… well, the LA Audio Society has a lot of energy – they will just have to step in and lively up the place 🙂

We will be in room 534.

Speakers: Acapella Audio Arts Cellini High.

Amplifier: Acapella Audio Arts La Musika integrated

Digital: Audio Note CDT-5 transport and DAC 5 Signature

Rack: HRS SXR 3-shelf

Cables: A mix of Acapella, Audio Note and TBD


The Audio Note CDT-Five transport on a wonderful Spring day in Palo Alto

It has been a year since our last show, missing RMAF [ho-hum. Sorry, but after 10 years of showing every year that show is just… ], and CES too.

Shows I miss? The old CES / THE Show Alexis Park Las Vegas. More fun. Higher quality. More exuberance. More weird. More exhibits. But fewer newbies (I think) so the newer shows have at least made it possible for more startups to exhibit].

Hoping this new old stock show is spectacular! See ya there, or, if you can’t make it, we hope to try a livestream photos approach to the show report this year – more about this in a few weeks.

The MQA Controversy


The MQA controversy is bound to create some winners and losers in both manufacturing and for us audiophiles.

For example, LINN has a very strongly argued case against it:

MQA is Bad For Music

The Computer Audiophile has details about how MQA advances the state-of-the-art in some respects:

MQA (for civilians)

And over at HiFi+ they report that MQA might not even be lossless:

And small manufacturers agonize over what THEY should do, and must pick sides:


MQA has funding and is making a bold move, but… I have a feeling things are moving so fast, that just about the time that MQA might start making an impact on the regular listening public, something new will already be replacing it.

What wins these days seem to be those things that go viral, not needing a heavy hand like the old format wars of days-gone-by.

But, who knows… not me. This one I am sitting out and taking a wait-and-see wake-me-when-its-all-over approach 🙂